Capítulo 15 Screening Many Models

Learning objectives:

  • Use the {parsnip} Generate parsnip model specifications addin to create a set of model specifications.
  • Create a workflow set with the {workflowsets} package.
    • Describe the purposes of the workflow set columns.
    • Create a workflow set with a recipe preprocessor.
    • Create a workflow set with a {dplyr} selector preprocesor.
  • Tune and evaluate workflow sets.
    • Use workflowsets::workflow_map() to tune all models in a workflow set.
    • Use convenience functions such as workflowsets::rank_results() to examine workflow set tuning results.
    • Visualize workflow set tuning results.
  • Use workflowsets::workflow_map with {finetune} to efficiently screen models using the racing approach.
    • Compare the results of the racing approach to the results of the full workflow set screening.
  • Finalize the best model from a workflow set.