Capítulo 7 A model workflow

Learning objectives:

  • Explain why a model workflow includes preprocessing, fitting, and post-processing.
    • Describe parts of the modeling process that occur before the model is fit.
    • Describe parts of the modeling process that occur after the model is fit.
  • Use the {workflows} package to create a simple workflow.
    • Add a model to a workflow.
    • Add a formula to a workflow.
    • Fit a workflow.
    • Use a workflow to predict new data.
    • Update a workflow.
  • Use {recipes} with {workflows}.
    • Add a recipe to a workflow.
    • Use workflows::pull_*() to extract objects from fitted workflows.
  • Describe how a workflow that uses a formula decides how to pre-process data.
    • Describe how workflows using tree-based models pre-process factor predictors.
    • Add a special formula to a workflow with the formula argument to workflows::add_model().
  • Describe workflow steps that are not yet included in {tidymodels}.