11.2 The Dyad
- large social networks can be broken down into their constituent parts called “motifs”.
- The most basic motif consists of only two nodes and is called a dyad.
- A dyad can have different configurations based on the graph type :
- Undirected: connected or disconnected.
- Directed: mutual, assymetric, and null.
Number of existing triplets (triangles x 3) divided by all possible triplets.
A measure of the tendency of the nodes to cluster together.
“A friend of a friend is a friend”
related to clustering coefficient and modularity
Since edges in a network signify the presence or absence of dyadic relations, we can think of network density as a measure of the proportion of present dyads over the number of all possible dyads.
## [1] 0.004380561
- In directed graphs, an edge is reciprocal when ego and alter send each other ties.
- Reciprocity is measures the tendency for edges to be reciprocal across the whole network.
## [1] 0.39375
3- Generating a random graph for comparison - Random graph is characterized by chance of a tie is determined by chance and independent from one another. - Random graph can be used as a null model to test our data.
In an erdos.renyi.graph, each edge has the same probability of being created
#igraph has a fast and easy function for generating random graphs.
Let’s calculate the density and number of nodes in our graph.
<- vcount(net59)
net59_n <- graph.density(net59) net59_density
Then use them as parameters to generate a random graph
<- erdos.renyi.game(n = net59_n,# n is the number of nodes
random_graph p.or.m = net59_density,#probability of drawing an edge
directed = TRUE) # whether the network is directed or not
vertex.size = 2,
vertex.label = NA,
edge.curved = .1,
vertex.color = "tomato",
edge.arrow.size = .1,
edge.width = .5,
edge.color = "grey60")
Let’s compare the reciprocity of the random graph to our graph
## [1] 0.00145173
## [1] 0.39375