5.1 Edge lists
- The list of relationships underlying a network among it’s components is called edge lists.
- An edge is defined by the pair of agents linked together. In other words, for each edge, two pieces of information are needed.
- An edge list for a network can be defined by a table of two columns where the number of rows equal the number of edges.
- In a directed graph, the nodes in first column are the sources of edges, and nodes in the second column receives the link.
- In an undirected graph, order of columns doesn’t matter.
<- c("Mark", "Mark", "Peter", "Peter", "Bob", "Jill")
personA <- c("Peter", "Jill", "Bob", "Aaron", "Jill", "Aaron")
<- data.frame(PersonA = personA, PersonB = personB, stringsAsFactors = F)
## PersonA PersonB
## 1 Mark Peter
## 2 Mark Jill
## 3 Peter Bob
## 4 Peter Aaron
## 5 Bob Jill
## 6 Jill Aaron
- Simple and intuitive. - Number of rows equal the number of edges.
Impossible to represent isolates using an edge list since it details relations.6
Doesn’t support analysis methods.
Pierre explained the meaning of “isolates” which are unlinked nodes.↩︎