Packages and data


d <- properties |> tibble::as_tibble() |> st_as_sf()
d$vble <- d$prpsqm
## Simple feature collection with 1000 features and 7 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 473914.2 ymin: 4200169 xmax: 480442.4 ymax: 4208576
## Projected CRS: GGRS87 / Greek Grid
## # A tibble: 1,000 × 8
##    id     size  price prpsqm   age dist_metro           geometry  vble
##  * <chr> <int>  <int>  <dbl> <dbl>      <dbl>        <POINT [m]> <dbl>
##  1 7836     74  95000  1284.    47     624.   (477144.1 4207786) 1284.
##  2 7238     77 165000  2143.    10     509.   (475649.5 4207224) 2143.
##  3 368      85  22000   259.    42     862.   (477269.9 4201115)  259.
##  4 938      85 225000  2647.    51       5.46 (476099.5 4202088) 2647.
##  5 6693    102  50000   490.    37     312.   (476260.6 4206307)  490.
##  6 1953    150 500000  3333.    37     486.   (477290.7 4203248) 3333.
##  7 4950     70 105000  1500      1     893.   (478399.6 4205376) 1500 
##  8 5037     35   8500   243.    47     967.   (476882.3 4205444)  243.
##  9 7673    100 160000  1600     11     737.   (476985.3 4207504) 1600 
## 10 6681     71  31000   437.    57     297.   (475656.2 4206286)  437.
## # ℹ 990 more rows