Example: longleaf

qc <- quadratcount(longleaf2, nx = 6, ny = 6)
##              x
## y             [0,33.3) [33.3,66.7) [66.7,100) [100,133) [133,167) [167,200]
##   [167,200]         15          20         21        10         9        21
##   [133,167)         16          28         24        36        26        11
##   [100,133)         15          13         13        22        43         7
##   [66.7,100)        25          23         10        16        26        27
##   [33.3,66.7)       16           7         10        12        13         6
##   [0,33.3)          12           7         10         7         4         3

nx and ny default to 5