Meeting chat log
00:04:09 Derek Sollberger (he/him): Hello!
00:04:41 Sohan Aryal: Hello everyone,
first time actually involving in a book club,
00:05:08 jRad: Hi, second one for me, been quite a while!
00:05:20 Sohan Aryal: Reacted to "Hi, second one for m..." with 😯
00:54:33 Derek Sollberger (he/him): Should the same person handle each two-week pair?
00:59:33 Derek Sollberger (he/him): If no one minds, I would like to volunteer for the second
half of the LDA chapter (on Bayesian classification)
01:05:26 Rahul: Thank you very much, Russ!
01:05:29 Schafer, Toryn: Thanks!
01:05:34 Derek Sollberger (he/him): Thank you all. Thanks Russ!
01:05:36 David Díaz: Thanks!
01:05:36 Russ Hyde: Thanks everyone