
Cohort 01

00:04:53    phanikumar tata:    hello everyone , got some issues with my camera
00:57:00    Jim Gruman: thank you Jadey!!
00:57:30    phanikumar tata:    Great presentation
00:57:47    phanikumar tata:    can you
00:58:14    phanikumar tata:    you show you how u r doing .QMD plese
00:58:33    phanikumar tata:    Quearto to run Python
00:58:37    Isabella Velásquez: quarto --help
01:00:22    Isabella Velásquez:
01:00:50    phanikumar tata:    do u have a link
01:00:56    phanikumar tata:    Thanks a lot
01:02:08    phanikumar tata:    Oh u need to install reticulate on top of Quearto
01:03:06    Isabella Velásquez: pip install nbformat
01:04:33    Isabella Velásquez: you do if you're using RStudio. If you're using Jupyter Lab or VS Code, you do not
01:04:54    Isabella Velásquez: actually, you may not need reticulate on RStudio - have to double check
01:07:51    phanikumar tata:    some times
01:07:59    phanikumar tata:    .lock file would fail it
01:08:02    phanikumar tata:    to work