6.6 Boxplots

summary( afl.margins )
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    0.00   12.75   30.50   35.30   50.50  116.00
afl.margins_df %>%


load( "./data/aflsmall2.Rdata" )
who( TRUE )
##    -- Name --       -- Class --   -- Size --
##    afl.finalists    factor        400       
##    afl.margins      numeric       176       
##    afl.margins_df   data.frame    176 x 1   
##     $afl.margins    numeric       176       
##    afl2             data.frame    4296 x 2  
##     $margin         numeric       4296      
##     $year           numeric       4296      
##    Fibonacci        numeric       7         
##    islands_df       tbl_df        48 x 2    
##     $values         numeric       48        
##     $islands        character     48        
##    slist            list          528       
##    Snow.deaths      data.frame    578 x 3   
##     $case           integer       578       
##     $x              numeric       578       
##     $y              numeric       578       
##    Snow.streets     data.frame    1241 x 4  
##     $street         integer       1241      
##     $n              integer       1241      
##     $x              numeric       1241      
##     $y              numeric       1241      
##    x                numeric       7
head( afl2 )
##   margin year
## 1     33 1987
## 2     59 1987
## 3     45 1987
## 4     91 1987
## 5     39 1987
## 6      1 1987
afl2_df <- data.frame(afl2)

afl2_df %>%
AFL winning margins for the 24 years from 1987 to 2010 inclusive

Figure 6.1: AFL winning margins for the 24 years from 1987 to 2010 inclusive