1.2 Meeting Videos

1.2.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:03:53    Morgan Grovenburg:  I saw the book mentioned a DataEdu Slack Channel (https://dataedu.slack.com/). Is that still going/active?

00:05:10    Jon Harmon (jonthegeek):    Yes it is! It's not as active as R4DS, but there are usually discussions happening.

00:05:10    Isabella Velásquez:    Hey Morgan! That’s is actually where the book got started :) There are lots of people on that Slack. I can send an invite link to join if anybody is interested.

00:05:36    Morgan Grovenburg:  Yes I'm interested in an invite!

00:05:40    Rob Lucas:  Me too!

00:06:12    Isabella Velásquez:    Here it is! Let’s work together in Slack! It’s a faster, simpler way to talk shop, share files, and get work done. Join here: https://join.slack.com/t/dataedu/shared_invite/zt-9jkexbww-QxFbexhFoanFicVWaEpyBA

00:16:55    beth.kelly: I prefer the camera too! Sorry.

00:18:23    Isabella Velásquez:    Thanks Beth! Same here, I often feel siloed and I can’t wait to learn from all your work.

00:21:10    Jon Harmon (jonthegeek):    r4ds.io/diseur will take you to the bookdown side of the repo, and allow you to hop over to the GitHub (assuming I set it up correctly)

00:22:04    Layla Bouzoubaa:    John I get a 404

00:22:15    Alyssa Ibarra:  Same here

00:22:47    Ryan Woodbury:  https://github.com/r4ds/bookclub-dsieur

00:23:19    Jon Harmon (jonthegeek):    Hmmm. Evidently it requires https://r4ds.io/dsieur

00:23:35    Jon Harmon (jonthegeek):    ...which might have just solved a bug I've had elsewhere.

00:24:04    Layla Bouzoubaa:    sweeet

00:28:08    beth.kelly: Jon is freezing for everyone else, right?

00:28:12    Morgan Grovenburg:  Yes

00:28:12    Alyssa Ibarra:  I think you’re freezing, Jon

00:28:17    Daniel Jin: Y

00:28:51    Mark LaVenia:   https://github.com/r4ds/bookclub-dsieur

00:29:52    Daniel Jin: 50% this time tho!

00:30:16    Jon Harmon (jonthegeek):    I will talk about this on the Slack evidently 🙃

00:30:28    Isabella Velásquez:    yeah absolutely. Can’t wait to get any feedback!!

00:33:12    Jon Harmon (jonthegeek):    My internet is really bad today, gonna drop off!

00:33:28    Ryan Woodbury:  Thanks for setting this up! See you soon.

00:37:28    Isabella Velásquez:    Yes! And we’ll send a Slack message once we’re done.

00:39:46    Ryan Woodbury:  I listened to a podcast about the Kentucky stats project. It sounded way cool!

00:41:44    beth.kelly: That's great! I'd love to hear about the podcast.

00:42:19    beth.kelly: I love the desks in your background Rob!

00:43:14    Rob Lucas:  Thanks, Beth! They came out of a school in Ohio where my grandfather was a principal.

00:43:28    Isabella Velásquez:    So glad to hear it!!

00:46:12    Michael H:  Ryan E’s podcast About Practice is great

00:46:39    Ryan Woodbury:  ^^ Yes ^^

00:49:38    beth.kelly: So interested in retention in higher ed!

00:51:28    Ryan Woodbury:  Here is the podcast link the “Data Ed Chat”, episode 10 discusses the Kentucky Stats Explorer: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1074286

00:51:45    Ryan Woodbury:  And the “About Practice” podcast with two of the books authors: https://anchor.fm/about-practice/episodes/1-Hypothesis-Testing-for-Kids-is-Basically-Torture-eq0qc6

00:53:48    Morgan Grovenburg:  I think that was everyone

00:54:30    Mark LaVenia:   Thank you! :)

00:54:55    Daniel Jin: Thank you Ryan and Isabella for organizing! Can't wait!

00:55:00    Mark LaVenia:   I'll stick around for that too :)

00:55:13    Marina: This is my first time participating in something like this. Usually, how long do these sessions last?

00:56:01    Ryan Woodbury:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d41oc2OMAuI&feature=youtu.be

00:56:49    Ryan Woodbury:  The sessions are blocked for an hour. However, I have seen some videos from other book clubs that last for 30 minutes. It’ll depend on the week.

00:57:31    Marina: Ok, thanks!

01:08:02    Mark LaVenia:   very helpful. thanks!