2.2 Meeting Videos

2.2.1 Cohort 1


Meeting chat log
00:12:11    Rob Lucas:  PollEv.com/roblucas198
00:14:20    Daniel Jin: sorry have to step away for a moment!
00:21:24    Marina: I don't currently work in education so I'm going to skip this question (:
00:32:17    Mark LaVenia:   data curation is a big part of my role
00:32:41    Ronak Patel:    I have to hop off for a work call but will make sure to carve out an hour here on out. Thanks all!
00:32:47    Alyssa Ibarra:  what is data curation? Sorry not familiar with the term
00:34:00    Mark LaVenia:   @Alyssa - Finding data that teams need to answer a question, etc.
00:34:16    Alyssa Ibarra:  Ah yes, thanks!
00:39:58    Mark LaVenia:   data interrogation
00:42:15    Mark LaVenia:   need to, but don't
00:42:20    Ryan Woodbury:  same
00:42:27    Marina: ^^^
00:56:18    Marina: I know this is an R-focused thing, but for basic/quick spatial analysis, I've really enjoyed using QGIS, which is more point and click
00:57:41    Mark LaVenia:   thanks @Marina. Really trying to stretch into R and Python. Thanks for the tip on QGIS; will check that out
01:02:57    Mark LaVenia:   +1
01:03:52    Mark LaVenia:   Nicely done Rob