5.2 Meeting Videos

5.2.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:04:35    Ryan Woodbury:  https://rfordatascience.slack.com/files/UQ4DR12BY/F01QUFD8V5H/dsieur_ch7_slides
00:04:50    Ryan Woodbury:  https://rfordatascience.slack.com/files/UQ4DR12BY/F01RJ4ENF4Y/desieur_ch7_scripts.r
00:04:55    Ryan Woodbury:  Slides, then script
00:10:33    Ryan Woodbury:  Is it like skimr?
00:14:57    Isabella Velásquez: super clear! love the color coding
00:16:26    Edgar Zamora:   https://www.garrickadenbuie.com/project/tidyexplain/ I use these GIFs to help me visualize the different kind of joins. Get confused
00:17:31    Rob Lucas:  Thanks for sharing that Edgar! The semi and anti joins were new to me. I think this will help me visualize them.
00:26:26    Mark LaVenia:   you are doing great! Thanks!
00:29:29    Ryan Woodbury:  The `mutate_*()` functions are being superseded by using the `across()` function within `mutate()`.
00:30:03    Isabella Velásquez: here's some documentation on the mutate_* functions. https://dplyr.tidyverse.org/reference/mutate_all.html but like Ryan said, they've been superseded. I am still learning across()!
00:30:05    Ryan Woodbury:  Line 69 would be: mutate(across(q1:q10, as.numeric)) in the "new" format
00:30:37    Alyssa Ibarra:  Thanks, Ryan! I didn't know it was changing
00:30:49    Ryan Woodbury:  I was just getting used to the mutate_*() functions too!
00:37:57    Alyssa Ibarra:  when would you use mutate versus transmute?
00:38:35    Ryan Woodbury:  The issue with the psych::reverse.code() function that Yukie is talking about is that it is not tidyverse friendly, *but* is a function that is already made and does a great job. (I love the psych package, BTW.)
00:45:41    Mark LaVenia:   I love that
01:00:27    Ryan Woodbury:  Great advice on imagining the joined datasets.
01:01:19    Isabella Velásquez: I've got to hop off at 5. Thank you SO much Yukie! That was fantastic !
01:01:39    Ryan Woodbury:  Thank you! Great work.
01:02:58    Mark LaVenia:   Great job Yukie!
01:03:00    Alyssa Ibarra:  Thank you so much! It was so great!
01:03:09    Edgar Zamora:   Great job! Thank you!