9.2 Meeting Videos

9.2.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:07:35    Layla Bouzoubaa:    Lol I love the office band, I have it too!!
00:07:58    Ronak Patel:    Always good for a chuckle at the start of a meeting!
00:32:49    Morgan Grovenburg:  If you haven't used `tidytext` before, I recommend Julia Silge's free learnr course: https://juliasilge.com/blog/learn-tidytext-learnr/
00:33:18    Alyssa Ibarra:  Thanks! Is it just using whitespace as delimiter?
00:33:40    shamsuddeen:    Also the book : https://www.tidytextmining.com
00:43:08    Mike Haugen:    Love the Tidy Text book. Julia Silge also has Supervised Machine Learning for Text Analysis in R: https://smltar.com/
01:02:30    Alyssa Ibarra:  Thank you!
01:03:46    shamsuddeen:    Good talk
01:04:35    Louis Carlo Medina: thank you!!