4.2 Meeting Videos

4.2.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:06:21    Layla Bouzoubaa:    Hello everyone
00:06:47    Catherine Miller:   Hello!
00:07:29    Mark LaVenia:   Hi everyone
00:13:40    Ronak Patel:    3 minutes in and I've already learned something new!
00:13:51    Daniel Jin: +1
00:13:51    Morgan Grovenburg:  Me too!
00:14:53    Ryan Woodbury:  It looks way better in the book down compared to Google Slides
00:14:56    Carlo M:    reproducibility
00:16:17    Catherine Miller:   thanks, that was helpful
00:17:25    Mike Haugen:    The R markdown chapter in R4DS goes over benefits: https://r4ds.had.co.nz/r-markdown.html
00:22:30    shamsuddeen:    New approach for installing packages: https://github.com/r-lib/pak
00:26:20    Ryan Woodbury:  YES!!! I just used it!
00:26:36    Carlo M:    Syntactic sugar of ifelse(is.na(certification), certification_1, certification)
00:27:04    Marina: ^^ yeah, I had been using ifelse, but this looks neater
00:27:05    Ryan Woodbury:  Trying to combine cohort data where each cohort has different variable names.
00:30:42    Alyssa Ibarra:  According to Help, coalesce is from dplyr
00:30:55    Layla Bouzoubaa:    janitor
00:30:59    shamsuddeen:    coalesce is from dplyr?
00:31:09    Layla Bouzoubaa:    janitor::remove_empty()
00:31:14    shamsuddeen:    Oh yah, I see it
00:31:25    Carlo M:    Yup, coalesce is dplyr
00:37:22    Layla Bouzoubaa:    If you do in the ?stats::filter console, it is for time series data
00:37:32    Layla Bouzoubaa:    He’s correct
00:37:43    Alyssa Ibarra:  Thanks for that clarification!
00:39:55    Morgan Grovenburg:  Always <-
00:40:00    Mike Haugen:    ^^
00:40:14    Ronak Patel:    -> gives me anxiety
00:40:28    Carlo M:    When I get lazy, I end up using `->`
00:40:43    Morgan Grovenburg:  My reason is to keep = straight
00:40:48    Isabella Velásquez:    same! I only use -> when I don’t want to scroll all the way to the beginning of a pipe XD
00:40:54    Layla Bouzoubaa:    Second Ronan’s point
00:41:01    Layla Bouzoubaa:    ronak*
00:42:53    Isabella Velásquez:    I once spent a lot of time before realizing I used ‘ instead of `
00:46:40    Carlo M:    Morgan is right. The {stats} library would get masked when library(dplyr) is called
00:50:07    shamsuddeen:    Happy Git with R is a good book on learning Gihub: https://happygitwithr.com
00:52:56    Layla Bouzoubaa:    Sorry everyone I need to hop off. Cheers!
00:53:01    Mike Haugen:    How do you get a branch?
00:54:53    Alyssa Ibarra:  ^ same question
00:56:29    Catherine Miller:   Thank you Mark :)
00:56:31    Marina: This discussion is giving me scary git flashbacks
00:56:39    Catherine Miller:   githell, right?
00:57:20    Marina: ^^^
00:58:53    Carlo M:    You’re doing great!!
00:59:16    Catherine Miller:   I always get lost here, too.
01:02:06    Isabella Velásquez:    I always create a branch by clicking the button next to main in R Studio
01:03:48    Ronak Patel:    I gotta hop off for another meeting. Thanks, Mark. Great job today! See ya'll next week.
01:03:49    Catherine Miller:   Thank you!!
01:04:18    Catherine Miller:   Thank you for being brave and helping us learn, Mark!!
01:04:20    shamsuddeen:    Thanks
01:04:24    Alyssa Ibarra:  Thank you!
01:04:37    Carlo M:    Thanks Mark!