The RAM Deep Dive

  • There are varying generations of RAM from DDR2 to DDR5
    • This must be matched to the CPU and motherboard
    • Some CPUs and motherboards support a pair of sequential generations (DDR4/DDR5)
    • DDR5 is still relatively new and DDR4 is still very common
  • RAM comes in different speeds inside each generation
    • The faster the RAM, the faster you can work with your data
    • RAM speeds must be matched to the CPU and motherboard
  • CPUs support and motherboards have a certain number of “channels” for RAM
    • Usually a power of two
    • RAM prefers to be installed in pairs split across channels
      • Think of one very long hallway one-sided hallway vs a shorter hallway with doors on both sides
    • The RAM in each channel should match, but different channels can be different
      • This may cause a small decrease in speed, but it may be worth it for the extra RAM
  • Servers require ECC RAM which can detect and correct in-memory data corruption