00:04:18 Gus Lipkin: https://atrebas.github.io/post/2019-03-03-datatable-dplyr/
00:09:07 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): start
00:11:46 Gus Lipkin: I misread that as “nerd” modifying “Hadley Wickham” and not “famous” at first 😂
00:20:50 Gus Lipkin: There’s also tidytable (https://markfairbanks.github.io/tidytable/)
Some people strongly prefer one over the other.
00:22:18 Gus Lipkin: “To use dtplyr, you must at least load dtplyr and dplyr. You may also want to load data.table so you can access the other goodies that it provides:”
“But generally you should reserve this only for debugging, and use as.data.table(), as.data.frame(), or as_tibble() to indicate that you’re done with the transformation and want to access the results:”
00:23:48 Gus Lipkin: “reserve this only for debugging” refers to not casting as suggested