00:09:00 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): start
00:47:30 Shah Nawaz: Have you ever thought of doing seo of our r4ds channel ?
00:48:33 Shah Nawaz: no i mean youtube channel
01:03:23 Keith Baxelbaum: I've gotta run, thanks for this, Jon!
01:04:47 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): stop
Meeting chat log
00:08:14 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): start
00:14:29 Shah Nawaz: Use of data reading through reader and rio package especially. We used the parquet format in our cohort.
00:32:32 Floris Vanderhaeghe: Slides of the bookclubs: https://r4ds.github.io/bookclub-efficientr/
00:34:23 Shah Nawaz: Any other book colin is writing or have written which we are unaware of
00:49:23 Priyanka G: Kevin ushey's rstudio conf 2020 talk
00:49:32 Priyanka G: Is the best resource for renv
00:49:52 Shah Nawaz: Reacted to "Is the best resource..." with 👍
00:51:32 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): https://www.manning.com/books/five-lines-of-code
00:52:02 Priyanka G: Aah Robert Martin.
00:52:31 Priyanka G: I think he also wrote one book called how to write clean code or something
00:53:13 Priyanka G: I heard somewhere that a fn shd ideally have 7 lines.. dint know if that's what 5 lines is used figuratively
00:53:43 Priyanka G: Another place it said .. that a fn shd just do 1 thing.. whatever it takes
00:54:21 Priyanka G: Yea absolutely 💯
01:00:44 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): stop