Chapter 2 Names and Values

2.2 Binding basics

Should we care about R internals?

Guided by this blogpost, we can use the .Internal function to inspect metadata associated with our objects:

  • @0x000001b6a4af9fc8 – address (memory location)
  • 19 VECSXP – type (full list here)
  • g0 – garbage collector info token
  • c1 – size of object (small vector)
  • NAM(7) – named value of the object (if greater than one copy on modify)
  • len=1 – length of object
  • tl – true length of object
  • small snippet of the data

It is of note here that without curly brackets we have to use copy-on-modify, but within curly brackes we can use copy-in-place because NAM(1)

2.3 Copy-on-modify

copy-on-modify vs copy-in-place: is one more preferable in certain situations?

modify in place only happens when objects with a single binding get a special performance optimization and to environments.

2.2.2 Exercises

Question 3 digs into the syntactically valid names created when using read.csv(), but what is the difference between quotation and backticks?

If we create an example csv

Import using adjusted column names to be syntactically valid:

##   if. X_1234 column.1
## 1   1      4        7
## 2   2      5        8
## 3   3      6        9

Import using non-adjusted column names

##   if _1234 column 1
## 1  1     4        7
## 2  2     5        8
## 3  3     6        9

Import using the tidyverse where names are not adjusted

## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   `if` = col_double(),
##   `_1234` = col_double(),
##   `column 1` = col_double()
## )

However I really don´t understand the difference between backticks and quotation marks. For example when I select a column in the case of non-syntactic in the tidyverse I can use quotation marks or backticks

## # A tibble: 3 x 1
##    `if`
##   <dbl>
## 1     1
## 2     2
## 3     3

But in base R, I can do this with quotation marks, but not backticks:

Error in `[.default`(df__non_syntactic_name, `if`) : invalid subscript type 'special'

According to ?Quotes backticks are used for “non-standard variable names” but why in base R they don´t work to select columns but in the tidyverse they work to select variables?

The easiest way to think about this is that backticks refer to objects while quotation marks refer to strings. dplyr::select() accepts object references as well as string references, while base R subsetting is done with a string or integer position.

2.3.2 Function calls

Can we go over and break down figure in 2.3.2

When you create this function:

eh doesn’t exist in memory at this point.

x exists in memory.

z now points at x, and eh still doesn’t exist (except metaphorically in Canada). eh was created and exists WHILE crazyfunction() was being run, but doesn’t get saved to the global environment, so after the function is run you can’t see its memory reference.

The round brackets (eh) list the arguments, the curly brackets {eh} define the operation that it’s doing - and you’re assigning it to crazyfunction.

R functions automatically return the result of the last expression so when you call that object (the argument eh) it returns the value of that argument. This is called implicit returns

2.3.3 Lists

Checking the address for a list and its copy we see they share the same references:

## [1] TRUE
## [1] "0x7ff29120dd20"
## [1] "0x7ff29120dd20"

But why isn’t this the case for their subsets? Using obj_addr they have different addresses, but when we look at their references they are the same

## [1] "0x7ff28eb3c1c8"
## █ [1:0x7ff28eb52d60] <list> 
## └─[2:0x7ff29120dd20] <dbl>
## [1] "0x7ff290c3faf0"
## [1] FALSE

This is because using singular brackets wraps the value 1 in a new list that is created on the fly which will have a unique address. We can use double brackets to confirm our mental model that the sublists are also identical:

## [1] TRUE

What’s the difference between these 2 addresses <0x55d53fa975b8> and 0x55d53fa975b8?

Nothing - it has to do with the printing method:

## [1] "<0x7ff290a99798>"
## <0x7ff290a99798>
## [1] "0x7ff290a99798"

When would you prefer a deep copy of a list to a shallow copy? Is this something to consider when writing functions or package development or is this more something that’s optimized behind the scenes?


2.3.5 Character vectors

Is there a way to clear the “global string pool”?

According to this post it doesn’t look like you can directly, but clearing all references to a string that’s in the global string pool clears that string from the pool, eventually Exercise

When we look at tracemem when we modify x from an integer to numeric, x is assigned to three objects. The first is the integer, and the third numeric - so what’s the intermediate type?

[1] "0x7f84b7fe2c88"
[1] "<0x7f84b7fe2c88>"
tracemem[0x7f84b7fe2c88 -> 0x7f84b7fe5288]: 
tracemem[0x7f84b7fe5288 -> 0x7f84bc0817c8]: 

What is 0x7f84b7fe5288 when the intermediate x <- c(1L, 2L, 4) is impossible?

When we assign the new value as an integer there is no intermediate step. This probably means c(1,2, NA) is the intermediate step; creating an intermediate vector that’s the same length of the final product with NA values at all locations that are new or to be changed

## [1] "0x7ff28eb12308"
## [1] "<0x7ff28eb12308>"
## tracemem[0x7ff28eb12308 -> 0x7ff28eb5d688]: eval eval withVisible withCallingHandlers handle timing_fn evaluate_call <Anonymous> evaluate in_dir block_exec call_block process_group.block process_group withCallingHandlers process_file <Anonymous> <Anonymous> eval eval eval eval eval.parent local

You can dig into the C code running this:

2.4.1 Object size

If I have two vectors, one 1:10 and another c(1:10, 10), intuitively, I would expect the size of the second vector to be greater than the size of the first. However, it seems to be the other way round, why?

## 680 B
## 448 B

If we start with the following three vectors:

## *  96 B
## * 680 B
## * 448 B

Intuitively, we would have expected x1 < x2 < x3 but this is not the case. It appears that the rep() function coerces a double into integer and hence optimizes on space. Using :, R internally uses ALTREP.

ALTREP would actually be more efficient if the numbers represented were significantly large, say 1e7.

## *        680 B
## * 40,000,048 B

Now, the size of x4 is significantly lower than that of x5 . This seems to indicate that ALTREP becomes super efficient as the vector size is increased.

2.5.1 Modify-in-place

“When it comes to bindings, R can currently only count 0, 1, or many. That means that if an object has two bindings, and one goes away, the reference count does not go back to 1: one less than many is still many. In turn, this means that R will make copies when it sometimes doesn’t need to.”

Can we come up with an example of this? It seems really theoretical right now.

First you need to switch your Environment tab to something other than global in RStudio!

Now we can create a vector:

## [1] "0x7ff291670448"

Changing a value within it changes its address:

## [1] "0x7ff28ebec3a8"
## [1] FALSE

We can assign the modified vector to a new name, where y and v point to the same thing.

## [1] "0x7ff28ebec3a8"
## [1] "0x7ff28ebec3a8"
## [1] TRUE

Now if we modify v it won’t point to the same thing as y:

## [1] "0x7ff28ebec3a8"
## [1] "0x7ff290c6ee38"
## [1] FALSE

But if we now change y to look like v, the original address, in theory editing y should occur in place, but it doesn’t - the “count does not go back to one”!

## [1] "0x7ff2909f5eb8"
## [1] FALSE

Can we break down this code a bit more? I’d like to really understand when and how it’s copying three times. As of R 4.0 it’s now copied twice, the 3rd copy that’s external to the function is now eliminated!!

tracemem[0x7fdc99a6f9a8 -> 0x7fdc9de83e38]: 
tracemem[0x7fdc9de83e38 -> 0x7fdc9de83ea8]: [[< [[<- 
tracemem[0x7fdc9de83ea8 -> 0x7fdc9de83f18]: [[< [[<- 
tracemem[0x7fdc9de83f18 -> 0x7fdc9de83f88]: 
tracemem[0x7fdc9de83f88 -> 0x7fdc9de83ff8]: [[< [[<- 
tracemem[0x7fdc9de83ff8 -> 0x7fdc9de84068]: [[< [[<- 
tracemem[0x7fdc9de84068 -> 0x7fdc9de840d8]: 
tracemem[0x7fdc9de840d8 -> 0x7fdc9de84148]: [[< [[<- 
tracemem[0x7fdc9de84148 -> 0x7fdc9de841b8]: [[< [[<- 
tracemem[0x7fdc9de841b8 -> 0x7fdc9de84228]: 
tracemem[0x7fdc9de84228 -> 0x7fdc9de84298]: [[< [[<- 
tracemem[0x7fdc9de84298 -> 0x7fdc9de84308]: [[< [[<- 
tracemem[0x7fdc9de84308 -> 0x7fdc9de84378]: 
tracemem[0x7fdc9de84378 -> 0x7fdc9de843e8]: [[< [[<- 
tracemem[0x7fdc9de843e8 -> 0x7fdc9de84458]: [[< [[<- 

When we run tracemem on the for loop above we see each column is copied twice followed by the [[< [[<-, the stack trace showing exactly where the duplication occurred.

So what is [[< It’s a function! By looking at `?[[< we see this is used to “extract or replace subsets of data frames.”

When we write x[[i]] <- value, it’s really shorthand for calling the function [[< with inputs x, i, and value.

Now let’s step into the call of this base function by running debug(``[[<``):

and once inside, use tracemem() to find where the new values are assigned to the column:

 # tracemem[0x7fdc9d852a18 -> 0x7fdc9c99cc08]: 
nrows <- .row_names_info(x, 2L)
  if (is.atomic(value) && !is.null(names(value))) 
    names(value) <- NULL
  if (nargs() < 4L) {
    nc <- length(x)
    if (!is.null(value)) {
      N <- NROW(value)
      if (N > nrows) 
        stop(sprintf(ngettext(N, "replacement has %d row, data has %d", 
          "replacement has %d rows, data has %d"), N, 
          nrows), domain = NA)
      if (N < nrows) 
        if (N > 0L && (nrows%%N == 0L) && length(dim(value)) <= 
          value <- rep(value, length.out = nrows)
        else stop(sprintf(ngettext(N, "replacement has %d row, data has %d", 
          "replacement has %d rows, data has %d"), N, 
          nrows), domain = NA)
    x[[i]] <- value
    if (length(x) > nc) {
      nc <- length(x)
      if (names(x)[nc] == "") 
        names(x)[nc] <- paste0("V", nc)
      names(x) <- make.unique(names(x))
    class(x) <- cl
  if (missing(i) || missing(j)) 
    stop("only valid calls are x[[j]] <- value or x[[i,j]] <- value")
  rows <- attr(x, "row.names")
  nvars <- length(x)
  if (n <- is.character(i)) {
    ii <- match(i, rows)
    n <- sum(new.rows <-
    if (n > 0L) {
      ii[new.rows] <- = nrows + 1L, length.out = n)
      new.rows <- i[new.rows]
    i <- ii
  if (all(i >= 0L) && (nn <- max(i)) > nrows) {
    if (n == 0L) {
      nrr <- (nrows + 1L):nn
      if (inherits(value, "data.frame") && (dim(value)[1L]) >= 
        length(nrr)) {
        new.rows <- attr(value, "row.names")[seq_len(nrr)]
        repl <- duplicated(new.rows) | match(new.rows, 
          rows, 0L)
        if (any(repl)) 
          new.rows[repl] <- nrr[repl]
      else new.rows <- nrr
    x <-, rows, new.rows)
    rows <- attr(x, "row.names")
    nrows <- length(rows)
  iseq <- seq_len(nrows)[i]
  if (anyNA(iseq)) 
    stop("non-existent rows not allowed")
  if (is.character(j)) {
    if ("" %in% j) 
      stop("column name \"\" cannot match any column")
    jseq <- match(j, names(x))
    if (anyNA(jseq)) 
      stop(gettextf("replacing element in non-existent column: %s", 
        j[]), domain = NA)
  else if (is.logical(j) || min(j) < 0L) 
    jseq <- seq_along(x)[j]
  else {
    jseq <- j
    if (max(jseq) > nvars) 
      stop(gettextf("replacing element in non-existent column: %s", 
        jseq[jseq > nvars]), domain = NA)
  if (length(iseq) > 1L || length(jseq) > 1L) 
    stop("only a single element should be replaced")
  x[[jseq]][[iseq]] <- value
  # here is where x is copied again!
  class(x) <- cl
# tracemem[0x7fdc992ae9d8 -> 0x7fdc9be55258]: 

Thus seeing exactly where the three as of R 4.0: two! copies are happening.