Measuring performance

23.1 Introduction

Why do we have to create a tempfile here?

tmp <- tempfile()
Rprof(tmp, interval = 0.1)

23.2 Profiling

What is meant when saying a sampling profiler is “fundamentally stochastic”? Does he mean there’s minor variability every time you run the function?

It doesn’t give you an exact picture of everything that’s there, it only gives you samples every couple seconds

How does utils::summaryRprof and proftools differ from profvis? What are the pros and cons of each?

23.4.2 Exercises

What is happening here? What does torture = TRUE do?

23.3 Microbenchmarking

a deep understanding of subatomic physics is not very helpful when baking.

…So when is it useful to microbenchmark?

I have seen rcpp use it a lot. Maybe because the change is so profound between c++ and R… There is a Knuth quote at the top of Ch. 24 that gets at why microbenchmarking is useful: “Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%”. It’s for those very special situations where it can make a huge difference. [but 3% might be too high of an estimate …probably 0.01% ]

You’ll also often see multimodality because your computer is running something else in the background.

What is multimodality and why would running other stuff cause this?

You’re using computer resources for a few random iterations.

profvis doesn’t work properly with 4.0…. why?