7.4 General Models: nn_module()
is “factory function” for building models of arbitrary complexity. More flexible than the sequential model. Use to define:
weight initialization
model structure (forward pass), including identification of model parameters using
my_linear <- nn_module(
initialize = function(in_features, out_features){
self$w <- nn_parameter(torch_randn(in_features, out_features)) # random normal
self$b <- nn_parameter(torch_zeros(out_features)) # zeros
forward = function(input){
input$mm(self$w) + self$b
Next instantiate the model with input and output dimensions:
## An `nn_module` containing 8 parameters.
## ── Parameters ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## • w: Float [1:7, 1:1]
## • b: Float [1:1]
Apply the model to random data (just like we did in the previous section):
## torch_tensor
## -4.0846
## 0.1639
## -0.3429
## -0.9869
## 1.4769
## [ CPUFloatType{5,1} ][ grad_fn = <AddBackward0> ]
That was the forward pass. Let’s define a (dummy) loss function and compute the gradient:
## torch_tensor
## 0.4843
## -0.2944
## 0.0236
## -0.2049
## -0.5343
## 0.1681
## 0.0149
## [ CPUFloatType{7,1} ]