Moving and Copying Files

Let’s say you are this file: /r4ds/do4ds/cohort1/chapter8.Rmd

File System Root Drive Home Folder Folder (Your Room) File
/ r4ds do4ds cohort1 chapter8.Rmd

What if you do some remodeling at home?

The rm command will remove something, with the options to do so recursively (-r) or to force it (-f). You can also copy (cp), move (mv), or make or remove directories (mkdir and rmdir).

Construction Phase Command
Move everything out of the kitchen into a spare room mv ~/kitchen/* ~/spare_room
Remove the kitchen appliances rm ~/kitchen/ ~/kitchen/
Demolish the kitchen rmdir ~/kitchen
Make a new kitchen mkdir ~/kitchen
Move everything into the new kitchen mv ~/spare_room/* ~/kitchen

You mv or cp from_here to_here