4. Online Learning and Regret Minimization

Learning objectives

  • Introduce terminology about optimization

Online Convex Optimization



\[\text{Regret}_{T}(A) = \text{sup}\left[\sum_{t=1}^{T}f_{t}(x_{t}^{A}) - \text{min}_{x}\sum_{t=1}^{T}f_{t}(x)\right]\]

  • \(\vec{x}_{t}^{A}\): player actions of an algorithm in a decision set
  • \(T\): number of game iterations


  • spam filtering
  • path finding
  • portfolio selection
  • recommendation systems

Experts and Adversaries

Theorem 1.2 Let \(\epsilon\in(0,0.5)\). Suppose that the best expert makes \(L\) mistakes. Then:

  • \(\exists\) an efficient deterministic algorithm \(< 2(1+\epsilon)L + \frac{2\log N}{\epsilon}\) mistakes
  • \(\exists\) an efficient randomized algorithm \(\leq (1+\epsilon)L + \frac{\log N}{\epsilon}\) mistakes

Weighted Majority Algorithm

  • predict according to majority of experts

\[a_{t} = \begin{cases} A, & W_{t}(A) \geq W_{t}(B) \\ B, & \text{otherwise}\end{cases}\]

  • update weights

\[W_{t+1}(i) = \begin{cases}W_{t}(i), & \text{if expert i was correct} \\ W_{t}(i)(1-\epsilon), & \text{if expert i was wrong}\end{cases}\]


\[W_{t+1}(i) = W_{t}(i)e^{-\epsilon \ell_{t}(i)}\]

  • \(\epsilon\): learning rate
  • \(\ell_{t}(i)\): loss by expert \(i\) at iteration \(t\)