Map-reduce example

Function that will return an expression corresponding to a linear model.

linear <- function(var, val) {
  # capture variable as a symbol
  var <- ensym(var)
  # Create a list of symbols of the form var[[1]], var[[2], etc]
  coef_name <- map(seq_along(val[-1]), ~ expr((!!var)[[!!.x]]))

  # map over the coefficients and the names to create the terms
  summands <- map2(val[-1], coef_name, ~ expr((!!.x * !!.y)))
  # Dont forget the intercept
  summands <- c(val[[1]], summands)

  # Reduce!
  reduce(summands, ~ expr(!!.x + !!.y))

linear(x, c(10, 5, -4))
#> 10 + (5 * x[[1L]]) + (-4 * x[[2L]])
#> 10 + (5 * x[[1L]]) + (-4 * x[[2L]])