9 Functionals

9.1 Introduction

To become significantly more reliable, code must become more transparent. In particular, nested conditions and loops must be viewed with great suspicion. Complicated control flows confuse programmers. Messy code often hides bugs. — Bjarne Stroustrup

Functionals are functions that take function as input and return a vector as output. Functionals that you probably have used before are: apply(), lapply() or tapply(). They are commonly used to replace for loops.

9.2 My first functional: map()

map() has two arguments, a vector and a function. It performs the function on each element of the vector and returns a list.


Theoretically map() just allocates a list with the necessary length and fill it with a for loop.

simple_map <- function(x, f, ...) { 
  out <- vector("list", length(x)) 
  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    out[[i]] <- f(x[[i]], ...) 

Note: The base R equivalent to map() is lapply()

9.2.1 Producing atomic vectors

Sometimes it is not really necessary to have a list as an output, so you can use map_lgl(), map_int(), map_dbl(), and map_chr() to return vectors of a specified type.

9.2.2 Anonymous functions and shortcuts

map_dbl(mtcars, function(x) length(unique(x)))
##  mpg  cyl disp   hp drat   wt qsec   vs   am gear carb 
##   25    3   27   22   22   29   30    2    2    3    6

Instead of typing function(x) for anonymous functions, you can use a shortcut:

map_dbl(mtcars, ~ length(unique(.x)))
##  mpg  cyl disp   hp drat   wt qsec   vs   am gear carb 
##   25    3   27   22   22   29   30    2    2    3    6

In this case ~ is pronounced “twiddle”

In the following example the argument to runif() is always 2, but with map() the function is executed 3 times and the output captured in a list.

x <- map(1:3, ~ runif(2)) 
## List of 3
##  $ : num [1:2] 0.138 0.872
##  $ : num [1:2] 0.592 0.166
##  $ : num [1:2] 0.927 0.671

You can also use the map function to select elements (useful for working with deeply nested lists):

x <- list(
  list(-1, x = 1, y = c(2), z = "a"),
  list(-2, x = 4, y = c(5, 6), z = "b"),
  list(-3, x = 8, y = c(9, 10, 11))
x <- list(
  list(-1, x = 1, y = c(2), z = "a"),
  list(-2, x = 4, y = c(5, 6), z = "b"),
  list(-3, x = 8, y = c(9, 10, 11))
# Select by name all elements called "x"
map_dbl(x, "x")
# Or by position all elements in the 1st position
map_dbl(x, 1)
# Or by both the first element in "y"
map_dbl(x, list("y", 1))
# You'll get an error if a component doesn't exist:
map_chr(x, "z")
## Error: Result 1 must be a single string, not NULL of length 0
# Unless you supply a .default value
map_chr(x, "z", .default = NA)
## [1] NA NA NA

9.2.3 Passing arguments with ...

map map

You can either add additional arguments by creating a function within map()

plus <- function(x, y) x + y
x <- c(0, 0, 0, 0)
map_dbl(x, ~ plus(.x, runif(1)))
## [1] 0.8762434 0.9535156 0.3793457 0.5504553

Or call the additional arguments from within map() with ...

map_dbl(x, plus, runif(1))
## [1] 0.26722 0.26722 0.26722 0.26722

The fine difference is, that when passing them as ... they will only be evaluated once, and not every time the funciton is called.

9.2.4 Argument names

To avoid mixing up of the function arguments of map() and the function that is called with map() the arguments of map() look a bit odd (.x and .f instead of x and f).

Hadley recommends when using map(), to use the argument names of the called function.

9.2.5 Varying another argument

  • no direct way
  • anonymous function:
trims <- c(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5)
x <- rcauchy(1000)
map_dbl(trims, function(trim) mean(x, trim = trim))
## [1]  3.09524941 -0.02389633 -0.03050230 -0.06927369

9.2.6 Exercises

  1. Use as_mapper() to explore how purrr generates anonymous functions for the integer, character, and list helpers. What helper allows you to extract attributes? Read the documentation to find out.
as_mapper(c("a", "b", "c"))
as_mapper(list(1, "b", 3))
as_mapper(list(1, attr_getter("a")))
## function (x, ...) 
## pluck(x, 1, function (x) 
## attr(x, attr, exact = TRUE), .default = NULL)
## <environment: 0x7fa7ac25b200>
pluck(mtcars, attr_getter("class"))
## [1] "data.frame"
  1. map(1:3, ~ runif(2)) is a useful pattern for generating random numbers, but map(1:3, runif(2)) is not. Why not? Can you explain why it returns the result that it does?
map(1:3, ~ runif(2))

map(1:3, runif(2))
  1. Use the appropriate map() function to:
  1. Compute the standard deviation of every column in a numeric data frame.
df <- data.frame(a=runif(10), b=1:10, c=c(rep(100, 10)))
map(df, sd)
  1. Compute the standard deviation of every numeric column in a mixed data frame. (Hint: you’ll need to do it in two steps.)
df <- data.frame(num1=runif(10), num2=1:10, char1=letters[1:10])
df[map_lgl(df,is.numeric)] %>% map(sd)
  1. Compute the number of levels for every factor in a data frame.
df <- data.frame(a=as.factor(sample(letters, size = 12, replace=TRUE)), b=as.factor(sample(letters, size = 12, replace=TRUE)), c=as.factor(sample(letters, size = 12, replace=TRUE)))
map(df, levels) %>% map(length)
  1. The following code simulates the performance of a t-test for non-normal data. Extract the p-value from each test, then visualise.
trials <- map(1:100, ~ t.test(rpois(10, 10), rpois(7, 10)))
map_dbl(trials, "p.value") %>% hist()
  1. The following code uses a map nested inside another map to apply a function to every element of a nested list. Why does it fail, and what do you need to do to make it work?
x <- list(
  list(1, c(3, 9)),
  list(c(3, 6), 7, c(4, 7, 6))

triple <- function(x) x * 3
map(x, map, .f = triple)
map(x, .f = map, triple)

The second map here would be one of the ... arguments of the first map, so passed on as an argument to .f (triple).

  1. Use map() to fit linear models to the mtcars dataset using the formulas stored in this list:
formulas <- list(
  mpg ~ disp,
  mpg ~ I(1 / disp),
  mpg ~ disp + wt,
  mpg ~ I(1 / disp) + wt
map(formulas, lm, data=mtcars)
  1. Fit the model mpg ~ disp to each of the bootstrap replicates of mtcars in the list below, then extract the \(R^2\) of the model fit (Hint: you can compute the \(R^2\) with summary().)
bootstrap <- function(df) {
  df[sample(nrow(df), replace = TRUE), , drop = FALSE]

bootstraps <- map(1:10, ~ bootstrap(mtcars))
map(bootstraps, ~lm(mpg~disp, data=.x))

9.4 Map variants

In total there are 23 map() variants.

  • Output same type as input with modify()
  • Iterate over two inputs with map2()
  • Iterate with an index using imap()
  • Return nothing with walk()
  • Iterate over any number of inputs with pmap()

List Atomic Same type Nothing
One argument map() map_lgl(), … modify() walk()
Two arguments map2() map2_lgl(), … modify2() walk2()
One argument + index imap() imap_lgl(), … imodify() iwalk()
N arguments pmap() pmap_lgl(), … pwalk()

9.4.1 Same type of output as input: modify()

df <- data.frame(
  x = 1:3,
  y = 6:4

With map():

map(df, ~ .x * 2)
## $x
## [1] 2 4 6
## $y
## [1] 12 10  8

… returns a list.


modify(df, ~ .x * 2)

… returns the same type of output as input.

9.4.2 Two inputs: map2() and friends

The main difference between map() and map2()is that map2() is vectorised over two arguments:



9.4.3 No outputs: walk() and friends

Mainly for functions that are called because of their side-effects

welcome <- function(x) {
  cat("Welcome ", x, "!\n", sep = "")
names <- c("Hadley", "Jenny")

map() also returns the NULL values:

map(names, welcome)
## Welcome Hadley!
## Welcome Jenny!
## [[1]]
## [[2]]

walk() functions ignore the value of the function:

walk(names, welcome)
## Welcome Hadley!
## Welcome Jenny!

9.4.4 Iterating over values and indices

The imap() family let’s you iterate over indices or names.

legs <- c(8,6,4,2,1)
names(legs) <- c("Spider", "Ant", "Cat", "Human", "Pirate")
imap_chr(legs, ~ paste0("A ", .y, " has ", .x, " legs"))
##                Spider                   Ant                   Cat 
## "A Spider has 8 legs"    "A Ant has 6 legs"    "A Cat has 4 legs" 
##                 Human                Pirate 
##  "A Human has 2 legs" "A Pirate has 1 legs"
legs <- unname(legs)
imap_chr(legs, ~paste0("Nr. ", .y, " has ", .x, " legs"))
## [1] "Nr. 1 has 8 legs" "Nr. 2 has 6 legs" "Nr. 3 has 4 legs" "Nr. 4 has 2 legs"
## [5] "Nr. 5 has 1 legs"

Useful for:

  • constructing labels
  • work with the values along with their positions

9.4.5 Any number of inputs: pmap() and friends

With the pmap() family functions you can iterate over n vectorised inputs that are stored in a list (best: named):

params <- tibble::tribble(
  ~ n, ~ min, ~ max,
   1L,     0,     1,
   2L,    10,   100,
   3L,   100,  1000

pmap(params, runif)
## [[1]]
## [1] 0.1805052
## [[2]]
## [1] 43.60020 80.45185
## [[3]]
## [1] 101.9223 493.8894 866.7047

9.4.6 Exercises

  1. Explain the results of modify(mtcars, 1).
head(modify(mtcars, 1))
map(mtcars, 1)

Modify has to return the same structure as .x, in this case a data frame with dimensions 32, 11. In this case the first row is plucked from the data frame (as with map()) and returned in the same format as the input

  1. Rewrite the following code to use iwalk() instead of walk2(). What are the advantages and disadvantages?
temp <- tempfile()

cyls <- split(mtcars, mtcars$cyl)
paths <- file.path(temp, paste0("cyl-", names(cyls), ".csv"))
walk2(cyls, paths, write.csv)
names(cyls) <- file.path(temp, paste0("cyl-", names(cyls), ".csv"))
iwalk(cyls, write.csv)
  1. Explain how the following code transforms a data frame using functions stored in a list.
trans <- list(
  disp = function(x) x * 0.0163871,
  am = function(x) factor(x, labels = c("auto", "manual"))

nm <- names(trans)
mtcars[nm] <- map2(trans, mtcars[nm], function(f, var) f(var))
  1. Compare and contrast the map2() approach to this map() approach:
mtcars[vars] <- map(vars, ~ trans[[.x]](mtcars[[.x]]))
  1. What does write.csv() return? i.e. what happens if you use it with map2() instead of walk2()?

9.5 Reduce family

9.5.1 Basics

genes <- c("MKI67", "SOX2", "HES1", "HES5", "NES", "PAX6", "TUBB3", "STMN1", "FAT3", "DCX")
l <- map(1:4, ~ sample(genes, 15, replace = T))
out <- l[[1]]
out <- intersect(out, l[[2]])
out <- intersect(out, l[[3]])
out <- intersect(out, l[[4]])
## [1] "FAT3" "PAX6" "DCX"  "HES1"


reduce(l, intersect)
## [1] "FAT3" "PAX6" "DCX"  "HES1"
reduce(l, union)
##  [1] "FAT3"  "STMN1" "SOX2"  "HES5"  "PAX6"  "DCX"   "HES1"  "NES"   "MKI67"
## [10] "TUBB3"

9.5.2 Accumulate

accumulate(l, intersect)
## [[1]]
##  [1] "FAT3"  "STMN1" "SOX2"  "HES5"  "SOX2"  "PAX6"  "DCX"   "STMN1" "HES1" 
## [10] "SOX2"  "HES5"  "SOX2"  "HES1"  "NES"   "HES5" 
## [[2]]
## [1] "FAT3" "SOX2" "HES5" "PAX6" "DCX"  "HES1"
## [[3]]
## [1] "FAT3" "SOX2" "PAX6" "DCX"  "HES1"
## [[4]]
## [1] "FAT3" "PAX6" "DCX"  "HES1"

9.5.3 Output types

If the x provided is of length 1 or zero the reduce function either returns the input value or asks for an .init value


If you’re using reduce() in a function, you should always supply .init. Think carefully about what your function should return when you pass a vector of length 0 or 1, and make sure to test your implementation.

9.6 Predicate functionals

A predicate is a function that returns a single TRUE or FALSE, like is.character(), is.null(), or all(), and we say a predicate matches a vector if it returns TRUE.

9.6.1 Basics

purrr has six predicate functions:

df <- data.frame(a=c(1.2, 2.3, 4.5), b=c(8,3.4,2.6))

trans <- list(
  disp = function(x) x * 0.0163871,
  am = function(x) factor(x, labels = c("auto", "manual"))

nm <- names(trans)
mtcars[nm] <- map2(trans, mtcars[nm], function(f, var) f(var))
some(mtcars, is.double)
some(mtcars, is.logical)
every(mtcars, is.double)
every(df, is.double)
detect(mtcars, is.factor)
detect_index(mtcars, is.factor)
keep(mtcars, is.factor)
discard(mtcars, is.double)

9.6.2 Map variants

df <- data.frame(
  num1 = c(0, 10, 20),
  num2 = c(5, 6, 7),
  chr1 = c("a", "b", "c"),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

str(map_if(df, is.numeric, mean))

str(modify_if(df, is.numeric, mean))

str(map(keep(df, is.numeric), mean))

9.6.3 Exercises

  1. Why isn’t is.na() a predicate function? What base R function is closest to being a predicate version of is.na()?
my_vector <- c(0, 10, 20, NA)

  1. simple_reduce() has a problem when x is length 0 or length 1. Describe the source of the problem and how you might go about fixing it.
simple_reduce <- function(x, f) {
  out <- x[[1]]
  for (i in seq(2, length(x))) {
    out <- f(out, x[[i]])
simple_reduce(1, `+`)
  1. Implement the span() function from Haskell: given a list x and a predicate function f, span(x, f) returns the location of the longest sequential run of elements where the predicate is true. (Hint: you might find rle() helpful.)
# Just some example df to work with
df <- data.frame(
  num1 = c(0, 10, 20),
  num2 = c(5, 6, 7),
  chr1 = c("a", "b", "c"),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
df2 <- sample(df, 20, replace=TRUE)
span <- function(x,f){
  out <- map_lgl(x, f) %>% as.numeric() %>% rle()
  out.true <- out$lengths==max(out$length[which(out$values==1)])
  a <- 0
  out.span <- for(i in seq_along(out.true))
    a <- a+ out$lengths[i]
      a <- a+1
    b <- a + out$lengths[i]
  out.span <- a:b
span(df2, is.double)
  1. Implement arg_max(). It should take a function and a vector of inputs, and return the elements of the input where the function returns the highest value. For example, arg_max(-10:5, function(x) x ^ 2) should return -10. arg_max(-5:5, function(x) x ^ 2) should return c(-5, 5). Also implement the matching arg_min() function.
x <- -10:5
y <- -5:5

arg_max <- function(x, f){
  out <- f(x)
  out <- which(out==max(out))
arg_max(x, function(x) x^2)
arg_max(y, function(x) x^2)

arg_min <- function(x, f){
  out <- f(x)
  out <- which(out==min(out))

arg_min(x, function(x) x/2)
arg_min(y, function(x) x/2)
  1. The function below scales a vector so it falls in the range [0, 1]. How would you apply it to every column of a data frame? How would you apply it to every numeric column in a data frame?
scale01 <- function(x) {
  rng <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  (x - rng[1]) / (rng[2] - rng[1])
# modify(df, scale01)
modify_if(df, is.numeric, scale01)

9.7 Base functionals

  • functionals without equivalent in the purrr package
  • more useful in mathematica/statistics
  • not so useful in data analysis